Published October 12, 2018 | Supplemental Material + Accepted Version
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A hot and fast ultra-stripped supernova that likely formed a compact neutron star binary

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Compact neutron star binary systems are produced from binary massive stars through stellar evolution involving up to two supernova explosions. The final stages in the formation of these systems have not been directly observed. We report the discovery of iPTF 14gqr (SN 2014ft), a type Ic supernova with a fast-evolving light curve indicating an extremely low ejecta mass (≈0.2 solar masses) and low kinetic energy (≈2 × 10^(50) ergs). Early photometry and spectroscopy reveal evidence of shock cooling of an extended helium-rich envelope, likely ejected in an intense pre-explosion mass-loss episode of the progenitor. Taken together, we interpret iPTF 14gqr as evidence for ultra-stripped supernovae that form neutron stars in compact binary systems.

Additional Information

© 2012 American Association for the Advancement of Science. Received 31 December 2017; accepted 26 July 2018. We thank the anonymous referees for a careful reading of the manuscript, which helped improve the quality of the paper. We thank C. Steidel, N. Stone, D. Stern, P. Hopkins, S. de Mink, Y. Suwa, A. Heger, and T. M. Tauris for valuable discussions. M.M.K. thanks J. Fuller, E. S. Phinney, L. Bildsten, and E. Quataert for stimulating discussions at the Skyhouse during a PTF-TN meeting. We also thank T. Staley and G. Anderson for help with scheduling of the AMI observations. Additional facility acknowledgments are provided in the supplementary materials. The Intermediate Palomar Transient Factory project is a scientific collaboration among the California Institute of Technology; Los Alamos National Laboratory; the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; the Oskar Klein Center; the Weizmann Institute of Science; the TANGO Program of the University System of Taiwan; and the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe. This work was supported by the GROWTH (Global Relay of Observatories Watching Transients Happen) project funded by the National Science Foundation under PIRE Grant 1545949. GROWTH is a collaborative project among California Institute of Technology (USA); University of Maryland, College Park (USA); University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee (USA); Texas Tech University (USA); San Diego State University (USA); Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan); National Central University (Taiwan); Indian Institute of Astrophysics (India); Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (India); Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel); The Oskar Klein Centre at Stockholm University (Sweden); Humboldt University (Germany); and Liverpool John Moores University (UK). A.H. acknowledges support by the I-Core Program of the Planning and Budgeting Committee and the Israel Science Foundation. A.G.-Y. is supported by the EU via ERC grant 725161, the Quantum Universe I-Core program, the ISF, the BSF Transformative program, and a Kimmel award. E.O.O. is grateful for support by grants from the Willner Family Leadership Institute Ilan Gluzman (Secaucus, NJ), Israel Science Foundation, Minerva, BSF, BSF-transformative, and the I-Core program by the Israeli Committee for Planning and Budgeting and the Israel Science Foundation (ISF). F.T. and J.S. gratefully acknowledge support from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. The Oskar Klein Centre is funded by the Swedish Research Council. This research used resources of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, a DOE Office of Science User Facility supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC02-05CH11231. M.S. acknowledges support from EU/FP7 ERC grant 615929. P.E.N. acknowledges support from the DOE through DE-FOA-0001088, Analytical Modeling for Extreme-Scale Computing Environments. T.J.M. is supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (16H07413 and 17H02864). Numerical computations were, in part, carried out on the PC cluster at the Center for Computational Astrophysics, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. Part of this research was carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Author contributions: K.D. and M.M.K. initiated the study, conducted analysis, and wrote the manuscript. I.M. initiated the follow-up of the young transient. D.A.P., G.E.D., and Y.C. conducted Keck and Palomar observations and contributed to data reduction and manuscript preparation. S.B.C. conducted Keck and Swift observations and contributed to data reduction and manuscript preparation. M.S. conducted the WHT observations and data reduction. F.T. and J.S. conducted NOT observations and data analysis and contributed to manuscript preparation. J.B. conducted the LCO observations and data reduction. T.P. conducted Gemini observations and data analysis. C.R. and R.P.F. conducted the AMI observations and data reduction. A.H. conducted the VLA observations and data reduction. S.R.K. is iPTF PI and contributed to manuscript preparation. T.J.M. and P.A.M. prepared the ultra-stripped SN models presented in the paper. E.O.O., C.F., A.G.-Y., R.L., P.E.N., and A.L.P. contributed to manuscript preparation. G.B.D., R.R.L., and F.M. contributed to the machine learning codes used to search for young transients. The authors declare no competing interests. Data and materials availability: All photometric data used in this paper are provided in the supplementary materials (tables S1 and S2), and all observed spectra are available via the WISeREP repository at (under source name iPTF 14gqr). The software used for the ultra-stripped SN modeling is presented in (50), and the synthetic model spectra are available in data S1.

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