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Published May 1, 1975 | public
Journal Article

Interim evaluation of strategies for meeting ambient air quality standard for photochemical oxidant


Two strategies proposed for meeting ambient air quality standards for photochemical oxidant in the South Coast Air Basin of California are evaluated: (1) the 1977 EPA Transportation Control Plan and (2) the current federal light-duty vehicle exhaust emission standards. Currently available means of relating emissions to air quality for photochemical smog are employed in the evaluation. The methods used include modified rollback based on ambient data and laboratory data, the statistical model of Trijonis, and the physicochemical model of Reynolds et al. The Appendix contains a detailed emission inventory projection for Los Angeles in 1977.

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© 1975 American Chemical Society. Work supported by Environmental Protection Agency Contract 68-02-0339 to Systems Applications, Inc., by National Science Foundation Grant ENG 71-02486 and a gift of the John A. McCarthy Foundation to the California Institute of Technology.

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