Published December 12, 2017 | Supplemental Material + Published
Journal Article Open

Eph-ephrin signaling modulated by polymerization and condensation of receptors


Eph receptor signaling plays key roles in vertebrate tissue boundary formation, axonal pathfinding, and stem cell regeneration by steering cells to positions defined by its ligand ephrin. Some of the key events in Eph-ephrin signaling are understood: ephrin binding triggers the clustering of the Eph receptor, fostering transphosphorylation and signal transduction into the cell. However, a quantitative and mechanistic understanding of how the signal is processed by the recipient cell into precise and proportional responses is largely lacking. Studying Eph activation kinetics requires spatiotemporal data on the number and distribution of receptor oligomers, which is beyond the quantitative power offered by prevalent imaging methods. Here we describe an enhanced fluorescence fluctuation imaging analysis, which employs statistical resampling to measure the Eph receptor aggregation distribution within each pixel of an image. By performing this analysis over time courses extending tens of minutes, the information-rich 4D space (x, y, oligomerization, time) results were coupled to straightforward biophysical models of protein aggregation. This analysis reveals that Eph clustering can be explained by the combined contribution of polymerization of receptors into clusters, followed by their condensation into far larger aggregates. The modeling reveals that these two competing oligomerization mechanisms play distinct roles: polymerization mediates the activation of the receptor by assembling monomers into 6- to 8-mer oligomers; condensation of the preassembled oligomers into large clusters containing hundreds of monomers dampens the signaling. We propose that the polymerization–condensation dynamics creates mechanistic explanation for how cells properly respond to variable ligand concentrations and gradients.

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© 2017 National Academy of Sciences. Published under the PNAS license. Edited by Harry B. Gray, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, and approved October 31, 2017 (received for review August 1, 2017). Published online before print November 30, 2017. The authors thank Giulia Ossato, William Dempsey, and Nicolas Plachta for useful discussions, and acknowledge the Nikon Center of Excellence at ICFO-The Institute of Photonic Sciences. S.O. was supported by Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship 276282 within the EU Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013 and Postdoctoral Fellowships LT000109/2011 from the Human Frontier Science Program Organization and EX2009-1136 from the Ministerio de Educación, Programa Nacional de Movilidad de Recursos Humanos del Plan Nacional de I-D+i 2008-2011. F.C. was supported by grants from the Moore Foundation and NIH (R01 HD075605 and R01 OD019037). J.J.O. acknowledges financial support from ICFONEST+, funded by the Marie Curie COFUND (FP7-PEOPLE-2010-COFUND) action of the European Commission and by the MINECO Severo Ochoa action at ICFO-The Institute of Photonic Sciences. Additional funding was provided by the Generalitat de Catalunya (2014-SGR-1442 and 2014-SGR-1460); the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (SAF2015-69706-R, MINAHE5, TEC2014-51940-C2-2-R, SEV-2015-0522); Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)/FEDER (RD16/0011/0024); the European Union (GLAM project GA-634928; System's Microscopy Network of Excellence consortium FP-7-HEALTH.2010.; the European Research Council (337191-MOTORS and 647863-COMIET); the Fundació Privada Cellex; and CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya. Ethics Statement: The experiments presented in this study were conducted following protocols approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Center of Regenerative Medicine in Barcelona. Author contributions: S.O., F.C., D.R., C.L.C., V.H., E.M., M.L., A.R., and S.E.F. designed research; S.O., F.C., D.R., J.J.O., C.L.C., V.H., C.T., A.S., S.M., and S.E.F. performed research; E.M. and S.E.F. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; S.O., F.C., D.R., J.J.O., C.L.C., V.H., S.M., and E.M. analyzed data; and S.O., F.C., D.R., J.J.O., C.L.C., V.H., E.M., M.L., A.R., and S.E.F. wrote the paper. The authors declare no conflict of interest. This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. This article contains supporting information online at

Attached Files

Published - PNAS-2017-Ojosnegros-13188-93.pdf

Supplemental Material - pnas.1713564114.sapp.pdf

Supplemental Material - pnas.1713564114.sm01.mp4

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Supplemental Material - pnas.1713564114.sm03.mp4

Supplemental Material - pnas.1713564114.sm04.mp4

Supplemental Material - pnas.1713564114.sm05.mp4

Supplemental Material - pnas.1713564114.sm06.mp4

Supplemental Material - pnas.1713564114.sm07.mp4

Supplemental Material - pnas.201713564SI.pdf


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