Published February 1991 | public
Journal Article

Review of Caltech Workshop and Some Parametric Questions for a High-Luminosity Asymmetric B-Factory Collider


The potential to probe the Standard Model and beyond with studies in the B-meson system has resulted in the investigation of techniques to perform this physics. One of the most promising is to produce the Υ(4S) resonance, moving in the laboratory frame, using an e^+e^- storage-ring collider with different energies in the two beams. In April 1989, a workshop was held at Caltech to investigate the issues involved in designing such an accelerator. I summarize the results of that workshop in this paper: and also investigate some parametric questions incorporating several of the constraints discussed there. The purpose of the Caltech Workshop was to consider the accelerator physics issues faced in attempting to achieve a high-luminosity (ℒ ~ 10^(34) cm^(-2) s^(-1)) asymmetric e^+e^- storage-ring B-factory in the E_(cm) ≈ 10-GeV region. There were four working groups, chosen to address what were perceived to be the most difficult areas: (1) beam-beam limitations, (2) optics, (3) beam current limitations, and (4) small beam pipe at the interaction point (IP). I summarize the conclusions from each of these groups in the following sections. Many of these considerations apply as well to symmetric B-factory colliders.

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© 1991 The New York Academy of Sciences. This work was supported in part by the U. S. Department of Energy under Contract DE‐AC03‐81ER40050.

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August 19, 2023
October 18, 2023