Search for low-mass dark matter via bremsstrahlung radiation and the Migdal effect in SuperCDMS
- Creators
- Albakry, M. F.
- Alkhatib, I.
- Alonso-González, D.
- Amaral, D. W. P.
Aralis, T.
- Aramaki, T.
- Arnquist, I. J.
- Ataee Langroudy, I.
- Azadbakht, E.
- Banik, S.
- Bathurst, C.
- Bhattacharyya, R.
- Brink, P. L.
- Bunker, R.
- Cabrera, B.
Calkins, R.
- Cameron, R. A.
- Cartaro, C.
- Cerdeño, D. G.
- Chang, Y.-Y.
- Chaudhuri, M.
- Chen, R.
- Chott, N.
- Cooley, J.
- Coombes, H.
- Corbett, J.
- Cushman, P.
- Das, S.
- De Brienne, F.
- Rios, M.
- Dharani, S.
- di Vacri, M. L.
- Diamond, M. D.
- Elwan, M.
- Fascione, E.
- Figueroa-Feliciano, E.
- Fink, C. W.
- Fouts, K.
- Fritts, M.
- Gerbier, G.
- Germond, R.
- Ghaith, M.
Golwala, S. R.1
- Hall, J.
- Hassan, N.
- Hines, B. A.
- Hong, Z.
- Hoppe, E. W.
- Hsu, L.
- Huber, M. E.
- Iyer, V.
- Jardin, D.
- Kashyap, V. K. S.
- Kelsey, M. H.
- Kubik, A.
- Kurinsky, N. A.
- Lee, M.
- Li, A.
- Litke, M.
- Liu, J.
- Liu, Y.
- Loer, B.
- Lopez Asamar, E.
- Lukens, P.
- MacFarlane, D. B.
- Mahapatra, R.
- Mammo, J. S.
- Mast, N.
- Mayer, A. J.
- Meyer zu Theenhausen, H.
- Michaud, É.
- Michielin, E.
- Mirabolfathi, N.
- Mohanty, B.
- Nelson, J.
- Neog, H.
- Novati, V.
- Orrell, J. L.
- Osborne, M. D.
- Oser, S. M.
- Page, W. A.
- Pandey, L.
- Pandey, S.
- Partridge, R.
- Pedreros, D. S.
- Perna, L.
- Podviianiuk, R.
- Ponce, F.
- Poudel, S.
- Pradeep, A.
- Pyle, M.
- Rau, W.
- Reid, E.
- Ren, R.
- Reynolds, T.
- Roberts, A.
- Robinson, A. E.
- Saab, T.
- Sadek, D.
- Sadoulet, B.
- Saikia, I.
- Sander, J.
- Sattari, A.
- Schmidt, B.
- Schnee, R. W.
- Scorza, S.
- Serfass, B.
- Poudel, S. S.
- Sincavage, D. J.
- Sinervo, P.
- Street, J.
- Sun, H.
- Terry, G. D.
- Thasrawala, F. K.
- Toback, D.
- Underwood, R.
- Verma, S.
- Villano, A. N.
- von Krosigk, B.
- Watkins, S. L.
Wen, O.
- Williams, Z.
- Wilson, M. J.
- Winchell, J.
- Wu, C.-P.
- Wykoff, K.
- Yellin, S.
- Young, B. A.
- Yu, T. C.
- Zatschler, B.
- Zatschler, S.
- Zaytsev, A.
- Zhang, E.
- Zheng, L.
- Zuniga, A.
- SuperCDMS Collaboration
We present a new analysis of previously published SuperCDMS data using a profile likelihood framework to search for sub-GeV dark matter (DM) particles through two inelastic scattering channels: bremsstrahlung radiation and the Migdal effect. By considering these possible inelastic scattering channels, experimental sensitivity can be extended to DM masses that are undetectable through the DM-nucleon elastic scattering channel, given the energy threshold of current experiments. We exclude DM masses down to 220 MeV/𝑐² at 2.7×10⁻³⁰ cm² via the bremsstrahlung channel. The Migdal channel search provides overall considerably more stringent limits and excludes DM masses down to 30 MeV/𝑐² at 5.0×10⁻³⁰ cm².
Copyright and License
Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI.
Funded by SCOAP3.
The authors would like to thank Matthew Dolan, Timon Emken, Masahiro Ibe, Felix Kahlhoefer, Chris McCabe, Wakutaka Nakano, Jayden Newstead, Yutaro Shoji, and Kazumine Suzuki for their useful discussions. The SuperCDMS collaboration gratefully acknowledges technical assistance from the staff of the Soudan Underground Laboratory and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. The CDMSlite and iZIP detectors were fabricated in the Stanford Nanofabrication Facility, which is a member of the National Nanofabrication Infrastructure Network, sponsored and supported by the NSF. Funding and support were received from the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Fermilab URA Visiting Scholar Grant No. 15-S-33, NSERC Canada, the Canada First Excellence Research Fund, the Arthur B. McDonald Institute (Canada), the Department of Atomic Energy Government of India (DAE), the Department of Science and Technology (DST, India) and the DFG (Germany)—Project No. 420484612 and under Germany’s Excellence Strategy—EXC 2121 “Quantum Universe”—390833306. Fermilab is operated by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC, SLAC is operated by Stanford University, and PNNL is operated by the Battelle Memorial Institute for the U.S. Department of Energy under contracts DE-AC02-37407CH11359, DE-AC02-76SF00515, and DE-AC05-76RL01830, respectively. E. L. A. acknowledges the support from Spanish grant CA3/RSUE/2021-00827, funded by Ministerio de Universidades, Plan de Recuperacion, Transformacion y Resiliencia, and Universidad Autonoma de Madrid.
Data Availability
The two supplemental files contain data for the rock composition and the geology of the region around the lab site. It is better presented in this form than trying to make a large table in the paper. These are just flat CSV files.
Additional details
- 2470-0029
- Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
- National Science Foundation
- United States Department of Energy
- DE-AC02-37407CH11359
- United States Department of Energy
- DE-AC02-76SF00515
- United States Department of Energy
- DE-AC05-76RL01830
- Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
- 15-S-33
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
- Department of Atomic Energy
- Department of Science and Technology
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
- 420484612
- Stanford University
- Battelle
- Ministerio de Universidades
- CA3/RSUE/2021-00827
- Autonomous University of Madrid
- Caltech groups
- Astronomy Department