Published February 20, 2023 | Published + Supplemental Material
Journal Article Open

Pelagic calcium carbonate production and shallow dissolution in the North Pacific Ocean


Planktonic calcifying organisms play a key role in regulating ocean carbonate chemistry and atmospheric CO₂. Surprisingly, references to the absolute and relative contribution of these organisms to calcium carbonate production are lacking. Here we report quantification of pelagic calcium carbonate production in the North Pacific, providing new insights on the contribution of the three main planktonic calcifying groups. Our results show that coccolithophores dominate the living calcium carbonate (CaCO₃) standing stock, with coccolithophore calcite comprising ~90% of total CaCO₃ production, and pteropods and foraminifera playing a secondary role. We show that pelagic CaCO₃ production is higher than the sinking flux of CaCO₃ at 150 and 200 m at ocean stations ALOHA and PAPA, implying that a large portion of pelagic calcium carbonate is remineralised within the photic zone; this extensive shallow dissolution explains the apparent discrepancy between previous estimates of CaCO₃ production derived from satellite observations/biogeochemical modeling versus estimates from shallow sediment traps. We suggest future changes in the CaCO₃ cycle and its impact on atmospheric CO₂ will largely depend on how the poorly-understood processes that determine whether CaCO₃ is remineralised in the photic zone or exported to depth respond to anthropogenic warming and acidification.

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© The Author(s) 2023. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this license, visit We thank the captain and crew of cruise KM1712 on R/V Kilo Moana. Funding was provided by NSF Grants OCE1220600 and OCE1220302 awarded to JA and WB, respectively, MINECO PID2020-113526RB-I00, the Generalitat de Catalunya MERS (#2017 SGR-1588) awarded to PZ and NERC grant NE/N011716/1 awarded to JR. This work is contributing to the ICTA-UAB "Unit of Excellence" (MINECO (CEX2019-000940-M)). We thank Heidi Block, Alasdair Murphy, Rory Abernathy, Joshua Cook, Jurema Domingos and Laura Simon for assistance generating the foraminiferal standing stock data. We acknowledge the Hawaii Ocean Time-series and Ocean Station PAPA programs for data collected at their respective time-series stations. Data availability: The data are given in Tables S1-6 in Supplementary Information and are available on Pangaea ( Code availability: The data and R code to perform the calculation of CaCO3 production including error propagation and seasonal bias correction is available at These authors contributed equally: Patrizia Ziveri, William Robert Gray. Contributions: P.Z., W.G., J.R., A.S., S.P., J.A., A.W., and W.B. designed the study and sampling strategy, and collected the samples. P.Z., G.A-.O., and C.M. generated the pteropod/heteropod standing stock data. P.Z., M.G., and A.I. generated the coccolithophore standing stock data. W.G., G.A-.O., and J.R. generated the foraminiferal standing stock data. P.Z. and W.G. wrote the paper, with input from all co-authors. All authors contributed to the interpretation and preparation of the final manuscript. The authors declare no competing interests.

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August 22, 2023
October 23, 2023