Published January 2024 | Published
Journal Article Open

Entanglement asymmetry and quantum Mpemba effect in the XY spin chain


Entanglement asymmetry is a quantity recently introduced to measure how much a symmetry is broken in a part of an extended quantum system. It has been employed to analyze the non-equilibrium dynamics of a broken symmetry after a global quantum quench with a Hamiltonian that preserves it. In this work, we carry out a comprehensive analysis of the entanglement asymmetry at equilibrium taking the ground state of the XY spin chain, which breaks the U(1) particle number symmetry, and provide a physical interpretation of it in terms of superconducting Cooper pairs. We also consider quenches from this ground state to the XX spin chain, which preserves the U(1) symmetry. In this case, the entanglement asymmetry reveals that the more the symmetry is initially broken, the faster it may be restored in a subsystem, a surprising and counter-intuitive phenomenon that is a type of a quantum Mpemba effect. We obtain a quasi-particle picture for the entanglement asymmetry in terms of Cooper pairs, from which we derive the microscopic conditions to observe the quantum Mpemba effect in this system, giving further support to the criteria recently proposed for arbitrary integrable quantum systems. In addition, we find that the power law governing symmetry restoration depends discontinuously on whether the initial state is critical or not, leading to new forms of strong and weak Mpemba effects.

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© 2024 The Author(s). Published on behalf of SISSA Medialab srl by IOP Publishing Ltd. Original content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.


We thank Bruno Bertini, Katja Klobas and Colin Rylands for useful discussions and collaboration on a related topic [23]. P C and F A acknowledge support from ERC under Consolidator Grant Number 771536 (NEMO). S M thanks support from Caltech Institute for Quantum Information and Matter and the Walter Burke Institute for Theoretical Physics at Caltech. The work of I K was supported in part by the NSF Grant DMR-1918207.


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February 7, 2024
February 7, 2024